Spiritiual Warfare: Demonology
warfare. There are some things that the average person does not need to know, and too much information on this particular
subject can lead to nothing but trouble for the reader. We have been training for this work most of our lives and
continue to learn more as time goes on.
Rule number one of spiritual warfare is that demons lie. They lie better
than humans tell the truth. Their lies are so perfect, so founded in logic and common sense, that the only thing that makes
them anything less than true is a moment's hesitation that the human spirit does when you feel the energy of them - but you
quickly learn to ignore that, if you want to.
A person who willingly co-operates with demons (devils) loses all sense
of reality. They define their safety by what the demons teach them, just as many of us do through out angel contact. The difference
is that the angels do not lie, nor twist the truth in such ways that the outcome is a loss for their victim, starting in small
ways, and leading to states of mental illness from simple paranoid right through to catatonia - where the soul is locked in
a body that will no longer respond to its commands, and the torment within that physical husk continues until death. At death
the Dark can no longer control you, but you still have to be rescued, for the events of your life, and what you have been
taught, create barriers between you and Healing that have to be broken through or torn down.
We have a number
of people argue about demons over the years, all with the same set of beliefs, Wewant you to read what is written. You don't
have to believe, or agree with it, just read it through. Believe when we say we understand your questions. We
have walked this path for a very long time.
A person who begins to interact with demons/devils/fallen angels still
in the dark open themselves to all sorts of problems. It may seem to begin very well. Demons will start by giving the person
anything they want, generally without limits. They will weave an energy around their intended recipient that feels so magical,
so wonderful .. so enticing, like a spider weaves a web. Their intent is to have the person trust them completely, to believe
everything the demon tells them, to have them act on every request and follow their every human impulse, whether it is healthy
for them in the long term, or short term; to overshadow their human free will until the person no longer knows what is right
or wrong, or up or down, or logical or illogical - without the person realising it. They lose themselves in the fascination
of the Dark.
The angels say DON'T when something is not safe for the person they are protecting. For them to
say DON'T the action must be very serious, for they honour your freewill and do not want to take it away from you. An angel
is not an evil being, it gives you Love it does not drain your energy. Demons will drain you dry, beginning slowly until they
are firmly attached, and then taking anything they need anytime, regardless of the effect it has on you. They do not care
if you die. Their core nature is based on hatred of humans, and they will use the angels as an excuse for their behaviour
and as a something to 'blame' when things start going wrong.
It is not the angels that insert unloving words into
your thinking. They inspire love. It is their core nature. But demons will twist your thinking until you no longer know who
is actually speaking to you. This is oppression. This is how humans go mad, and in their madness feed the demonic entities
that are attached to them.
You see, demons are limited in their thinking because they are controlled by egos far more
powerful than the human ones they try to control. And the oppressed react from that same ego pattern. Demons may not have
collective consciousness but they are far from the unique individuals they think they are.
Saint Michael's invocation
Archangel Michael, Remove all attachments from me, All negative energy forms, All negative thought forms, All
heavy energy forms. All intruders and mischief makers, All astral forces and dominants, All small demons and large
demons, including succubus and incubus. All living humans who try to steal my energy, Or do me any other harm, Find
all humans in Spirit who are Lost around me, and take them Home. Remove all threads and bindings All cords and ties All
chains and devices of any kind All curses and hexes on any level And all karmic patterns which are self-defeating Return
me to my perfect energy now please
I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Thank you.
sorts of Demons
Many number of people who do not believe in demons until they were attacked by them. Many
of them didn't even believe in a God in any form.
The thing that possesses, becomes attached an individuals energy, and look crustaean-like, low in intelligence,
but smart enough to get a good feed from individuals. these are created being - human-created by people who have not
learned to control their negative emotions - and they become attached right through a persons energy body (auric
field) and it begins draining the individual and feeding deeper as time goes on.
The mental confusion, the anger and fear that keeps overwhelms a person my take many weeks before they feel
they are truly improving but many times they do not feel like their old selfs - because that person is now
long gone. You cannot be touched by the demonic without being changed.
Some entities are called small demon because they
lack the intelligence of a true Fallen. They are created by the collecting of negative energy that humans express.
Whatever the emotion, the bubbles of it are magnetic and attract like to like. When it gets big enough to recognise it is
hungry it will attach itself to anyone who expresses the same 'frequency' it produces - enhance that emotion, encourage it
in its victim, and then live off it. Like any parasite it usually ends up killing the victim in one way or another.
ostrich syndrome is not going to protect anyone if the demonic decide to visit. You don't have to believe in them, but you
will once they get started. Pretending they don't exist, or 'truly believing' it, is just fine, but don't think it will protect
you if you are noticed. It won't.
So how do you define a genuine evil being?
To give
you my frame of reference ..
Lost souls - humans who do not leave this plane when they die. I usually call them ghosts.
(see below) - opposite is - Spirits - those humans who have gone into Healing/Heaven/whatever you want to call it.
They come back and visit, they do no harm. :-)
Demons - the major/stronger being fallen angels, have no love of humanity
at all. - opposite is - Angels of various types and levels and strengths etc.
Devils - beings created by man in
various different way, and by demons, designed to harass, impede, harm in all ways, their human targets - their opposite
- created beings of a Lighter note, sometimes seen as sylphs.
Getting back to lost souls - there are many different
'levels' here, just as there are many different types of humans, and human emotions. In our material world some people choose
to be saints, and others choose to be murderers or molesters, or whatever (the lighter people generally go straight into healing
when they die) .. in the latter case they remain that way until they receive healing and release their attachment to being
that particular 'personality' they choose to be. All of these beings have the capacity to drain core energy from humans to
remain on this plane. Psychic vampires are living humans who choose to take energy from others - not through the usual
exchange we all do, but because of a need. Most of them don't realise they are doing it, they just feel better after 'talking'
to someone - those that do it 'because they can', and with intent to harm and are more of a problem. We are not
including those people who know they can do this, and exchange willingly with another person who feels the same way. That's
Many demons also pretend that they are human ghosts. Many elementals pretending the same - they
also have their Light/Dark balance.
A lost soul is simply a confused human being. They exist within the negativity
they have created around themselves. They feed on the energy of humanity, because it is all they can access to 'survive',
and their intention is the same as when they were living - the murderer seeks to murder, the molester to molest, the guilty
to feel guilty, the lovelorn to feel their lack of love. But they are human, and they can be saved. They are not 'pretending'
to be anything. And they are no more 'evil' than they were when they were alive.
But the demonic is different - they
will pretend to be human to get what they want - but they do not do this forever - it is to their advantage to show their
true natures to their victims at the 'right' time.
Demons and Devils ...
It would be
very easy to define demons and devils as different entities, and in a way they are, but they are created from the same energies,
both human and angelic, the greater demons being fallen angels, and the lesser like golem, manifest from a part of the 'self'
(fallen angel or human) energy of the creator.Of the greater demons, an anger demon inhabits a world of anger, it is, in a
sense, the human emotion they are created from, and that is normal for them. Home for them will be a place that resonates
to that particular energy. This is the same for other demonic forms such as jealousy, loathing, fear or wrath. They have too
much emotional resentment tied up in what they lost (their angelic form, although they will deny any connection to it) rather
than seeing any benefit in being where they are.
Demons (fallen angels) will possess a person because they feel like
it. Of course it is for their benefit, the energy they receive from the trapped human is wonderful .. for them. The harm they
do is also 'wonderful', because that is what they live for. Be under no illusions, demons hate humans and blame them for 'everything',
regardless of whether they can remember what the 'everything' is.
The Choice of Fallen angels ..
angels chose to fall from Heaven. They will argue against this point, and have done with me, but the memory of it is in their
genetic core. God, or Spirit, whichever name suits you best, wanted to learn about all 'its' nature, and the reverse of Love
is also part of 'its' nature. In my understanding, God spoke to one of the Elohim and asked 'her' to become the opposite of
Light. She is called Samael, Angel of Illumination - and illumination means, in that case, the bringing in of knowledge. So
she fell into darkness, and took one third of the angels/elohim with her.
Every being needs a home and Earth was given
to Samael as her home, and the place where she and her followers felt most comfortable - a world of chaos and illusion. The
humans chose to follow in three stages, and that is why the Christian church writes that humans are fallen .. hence Adam and
Now, there is a redeeming factor here. When a Fallen 'wakes up' and remembers who they are they can go Home again.
It is not easy but it does happen. When they get Home they go back into the energy of the 'Creator' and are Accepted. You
could call that forgiveness, but to forgive you first have to judge and God doesn't judge - unconditional love is unconditional.
Then they are asked to redeem themselves, to rebalance what they have done - karma - and they go and work 'for' the humans,
rather than against them.
Many have seen fallen angel guides, and fallen angel people. They do not have
an easy time on the planet, as we stated earlier, because they are also recognised by the devils and demons. They
make great energy workers. They have the memory of working 'magic' or energy, and also the capacity to do it again if they
will dedicate themselves to the learning. What they also have is a huge sense of responsibility towards humans and guilt ..
plenty of guilt (and when they first are redeemed they also have plenty of resentments to work through on their karma journey).
They have to grow out of that or it will send them into sorrow again, and a Child of Light in the dark is scarey, but it never
lasts long.
Do you need help with a paranormal problem? Please contact me if you think I can help. Questions
are always welcome.